Welcome to Better Than I Ever Expected!

My book, Better Then I Ever Expected: Straight Talk About Sex After Sixty (Seal Press), comes out in January 2006. Please see http://www.joanprice.com/BetterThanExpected.htm for a description of this sassy, sexy book combining my personal story with tips and tales from lusty, sexually seasoned women. We’re proving that our society’s view of older women as sexless is wrong, wrong, wrong.

I interviewed dozens of women over sixty who were willing to discuss their sexuality, past and present, for Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex After Sixty. Meet some of these women:

  • Bea, 77, is having the best sex of her life with a man thirty years younger.
  • Claire, 66, has fallen in love with a woman she met online, and has relocated to be with her.
  • Penny, 60, celebrated the birthday of her husband of 38 years by shaving her yoni and dancing for him.
  • Sweet Talker, 65, works as a “phone sex fantasist,” playing the role of a 29-year-old model.
  • Rachel, 62, pleasures herself in an elegant ritual.

You’ll read hundreds of candid comments, reminiscences, intimate details, and tips from these and many other sexually seasoned women in the book.

I’d like to invite you –whether or not you’re a woman over sixty — to participate in discussions of ageless sexuality. Please choose a first name of your choice and your age to identify yourself, and feel free to post comments and questions regarding this hot and important topic.

To start you out, what makes sex after sixty better than you ever expected, personally?

I’d like your candid views, and I hope you’ll express them respectfully so that all women will feel welcome to read and post, and won’t feel they’ve wandered into a sleazy place. Thank you, and welcome to our community!

Joan Price


  1. Salina D. on February 26, 2020 at 1:48 pm

    As this post is the very first one, you should definitely keep it. (this is a response to your post “Note to my blog readers” 2020-0204)

  2. Joan Price on February 4, 2020 at 4:05 pm

    Here are some comments from my Sexually Seasoned Women after release of this book:

    * Claire, 66: I am one of your “sexually seasoned women.” I think it is so interesting that you came into my life at a time when I am being my most authentic self…and the topic of sex is so easily shared with you and therefore I can also be more comfortable with others about sex too. Of course, it is still the rare person, particularly women, who can just be comfortable with the subject. I think your book will help many, many people.

    * Sweet Talker, 65: I am honored to have been chosen as someone interesting enough to be included in this wonderful work of art you have created. It has been a long time coming and that’s sad but we can now rejoice. As we age we women are like fine wine and we do get better. I wouldn’t change all the years of wisdom I have gained as I’ve grown older. The reason I am so successful in my Phone Actress business is I have the youthful voice and ideas of a young hot sexy woman and yet possess the knowledge of a seasoned (not senior) citizen. Joan my friend, I commend you and thank you for showing older women in their true light….Thank you

    * Diana, 62: I’m one of your “Sexually Seasoned Women”! I loved answering your interview questions and can’t wait to “meet” some of the other “SSW” on this blog — and in the book!

    * Dancing Penny: Congratulations on your fabulous book! It’s about time we “sexually seasoned women” are heard and celebrated! I hope that your book will encourage other women to open up about their sexuality and live life more fully. Thanks for all your hard work on this project! You rock!

  3. Anonymous on July 14, 2008 at 7:13 pm


    After years in a marriage without sex, I was surprised and excited to discover that I was still desirable!

    I am thin, and so don’t have excess sags and bags, although my breasts are large and the cleavage is beginning to be less attractive, it hasn’t yet become an issue. When I becomes an issue, I’ll have a breast lift.

    It takes a little effort to be beautiful and desirable after 60, but worth every minute….worth every dollar.

  4. Joan Price on October 7, 2005 at 7:59 pm

    Funny story, Tina! In fact, I have a great chapter with tales of women who led wild lives in their youth and settled down in later life with a partner who keeps them happy. I think we’re less likely to get bored at our age because we know ourselves and what we like (in bed and out), and we’ve learned to communicate this to our partners. We’ve also learned how to keep a long-term relationship hot — and the book has lots of spicy examples of that!

  5. Tina60 on October 7, 2005 at 7:45 pm

    A friend of mine got married for the first time about 10 years ago when we was in her early 50’s. She had had many boyfriends and lovers before that, and her new husband (a divorced man of similar age) admitted that he worried she’d quickly tire of monogamy after all her years of constant ‘variety.’

    Her witty reply: “The advantage of getting married so late in life is that we’ll both be dead before I’d have time to get bored with you!” She’s in her 60’s now and is definitely not bored yet.

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