Media Responses to Naked at Our Age

“Price isn’t telling seniors to expect to have the exact same kinds or frequency of sex, but instead that if you’re adaptable, sex can continue (with yourself and others) for one’s entire lifetime… That old sexual standby — communication — applies even more as we get older; you can’t assume that even your long-term partner is the same sexual creature they were thirty (or even three) years ago… What surprised and pleased me most about Naked at Our Age is how much of its advices applies to me, at my age of 35.”

Read more here.

Rachel Kramer Bussel in SexIs Magazine

“Naked at Our Age is simply one of the best sex ed guides I’ve read (and I’ve read a lot of them). Joan collected stories, questions, and input from her blog and book readers and used them as the framework for her book. She doesn’t dodge the hard questions, she uses lots of funny stories, and she shares both the joys and the challenges of sex for seniors. Joan can talk about the difficulties of health issues (including Alzheimer’s), how to open up the conversation about safer sex, and the pleasures of no longer needing to worry about pregnancy, and she does it all with grace, compassion, and humor. Along the way, Joan gets plenty of input and advice from sex educators, therapists, medical professionals, and other experts. While many sex books seem to focus entirely on what the author wants to say, Joan did a great job of bringing the perspective of many different fields and experts to her readers. In some ways, it felt like I was talking to a panel of specialists instead of reading a book. I think that this is why I admire it so much and why Naked at Our Age is going to serve so many people so well.”  Read more here.

Charlie Glickman, PhD, Good Vibrations Magazine

Naked at Our Age is really comprehensive: it doesn’t leave out any subject that’s relevant to sexuality for people in midlife and beyond. [Joan Price] and her impressive array of expert contributors cover topics with such expertise and such love for her readers that I as a reader felt well taken care of, with so many answers both to questions I have had and those I never thought of but should have. An abundance of quotes from people aged 50 and over describe their experiences with sex, talk about problems, ask questions, tell what works for them. Much sound practical advice gives resources and solid suggestions. And best of all, the book has heart as well as a healthy dose of lust.” Read more here.

Sally Wendkos Olds, “Super Granny.”

“If you have questions about sexuality in the senior years, want to compare your experience with others, or are looking for excellent, reliable advice and information, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.” Read more here.

Tina Tessina, PhD, “Dr. Romance.”