Senior Sex Tips from Joan Price
Here are some senior sex tips that you can put into action immediately to enhance your sexual pleasure now and through the decades ahead. These tips appeared in Joan’s monthly newsletter. Subscribe now for more helpful tips, news, and other conversations about senior sex delivered to your inbox.
If you don’t ask, the answer’s no. If you do ask, the answer still might be no — but it might be yes! We’re never too old or too young…
Scheduling sex is sexy! When you plan it in advance, your most powerful sex organ — your brain! — has days to anticipate what you’ll do, how you’ll do it,…
I hear from readers all the time who tell me they rarely or never feel desire for sex anymore. I also hear from readers who mourn the lack of sex…
For quicker, easier, and more satisfying arousal, figure out what time of day you feel most sexually responsive. Pay attention to how sexy you feel on waking, after coffee, or…
If you were asked to define “real sex,” what would you answer? Take a moment to think about that. Does your definition of “real sex” describe the kind of sex…
Should you work out before sex? Increasing our blood flow with physical activity isn’t only good for the heart and muscles — it’s also good for sexual function and pleasure.…
One of the reasons that we have trouble getting aroused and reaching orgasm is that our blood flow isn’t racing to our genitals the way it used to. If we…
It’s a natural part of aging that erections are not as frequent, not as hard, and not as reliable as they used to be. But there’s a difference between undependable…
Senior sex isn’t just partner sex. Many of us don’t have partners, yet keeping our sexual selves vibrant and health is crucial for many reasons. It’s true that if we…
If you’ve ever enjoyed the feeling of a lover’s cold hands touching you, or if you’re looking for a new way to increase sensation, here’s an idea: Put your lubricant…
A huge number of folks over 50 are seeking relationships of many types: monogamous partners, nonmonogamous partners, committed lovers, casual lovers, friends with benefits, occasional hook-ups, and so on. Many…
You’re dating a new person after being on your own. You feel attracted to this person and you’d like to be sexual, but you’re not sure you’re ready. How do…
The longer you’ve been together, the more likely that your dating life has fallen into a predictable pattern. You may not even have a “dating life” anymore, relying on a…
I’m interviewed frequently about tips for staying sexy as we age. Here are some sex and aging points I sent a reporter recently: Explore: As we age, our sexual needs…
Are you aware that I answer sex questions from readers over 60 in my monthly “Sex at Our Age” column at Senior Planet? I’ve been doing this since 2014, so I’ve…
If we waited until sex happened spontaneously, we might never have another orgasm. Now that we’re no longer ruled by our hormones, we can’t count on our sex drive to…
If you have difficulty with arousal and orgasm, that’s a good reason to have sex more often, not less. Here’s why: One of the primary reasons that we have trouble…
I can’t tell you how many times I hear seniors say, “I wasn’t brought up to talk about sex.” Yet learning to talk about sex is the key to getting…
Have you learned my “Medical Mantra” for getting help from your doctor about your sexual challenges? So many of us avoid talking to our medical professionals when we have sexual…
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You'll find senior sex news, views, and reviews of everything from relevant books to sex toys that are especially good for folks our age at my blog about sex and aging. I've been blogging since 2005, so there's a lot of information. Scroll down the right-hand side and use the "labels" list to find topics that interest you especially. I welcome your comments on the blog and your emails to me.