Capture Your Sexy Stories by Stella Fosse

Capture Your Sexy Stories

guest post by Stella Fosse


Shoes, hose, suit jacket, pencil skirt, all were cast aside. Hands were everywhere: caressing breasts, touching shoulders, massaging buttocks. Rachel’s hands slid behind Marion’s head and pulled her close. She found Marion’s lips with her own, lips that tasted of time, the spices of long ago, the herbs in the garden of her burnt English cottage.

– From Vampires of a Certain Age by Stella Fosse


Stella Fosse

Writing about our vibrant lives can be fun and liberating. When I lead workshops on sexy writing for olders, that joyful energy is all around us. We have so much experience to draw upon, so many memories and ideas. Sharing our sexy stories as older adults sends a powerful anti-ageist message.

You need not consider yourself a writer to enjoy writing about vivid moments. Approach your writing as play. Remember a sexy experience from yesterday or half a century ago. Make a list of sensory words and phrases your memory conjures. Was there music? Were there sighs? Laughter? What aromas and tastes do you recall? What about textures and surfaces you touched? Take your time with this list-making; there is no rush.

Use your list of words and phrases as writing prompts for your sexy scene. Expand on each thought in any order you want, chronological or not. What you write is just for your enjoyment unless you choose to share it. Feel free to add ideas from your imagination. Then read your scene aloud and enjoy your words.

Write about new sexual experiences soon after they happen to keep those moments fresh on the page. Sharing this writing with your partner can be a sexy experience. Expand on your scene to create a story, as I wrote about in a previous post for Joan Price’s blog.

You may even publish your sexy story! Every once in a while, a call for submissions comes along for erotic stories with older characters. You might enjoy these anthologies of sexy stories (and they may inspire your writing):

Ageless Erotica, edited by Joan Price
Dirty Old Women: Erotica by Women of Experience, edited by Lynx Canon
Ladies’ Own Erotica, by the Kensington Ladies Erotica Society
Unmasked: Women Write about Sex and Intimacy After Fifty, edited by Marcia Meier and Kathleen A. Barry


My first book, Aphrodite’s Pen: The Power of Writing Erotica after Midlife, includes erotic stories with older characters and writing prompts that turn society’s expectations about older characters upside down.


My newest book is Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance, a step-by-step guide to create, edit, publish and market a late life Romance novel. Designed for new writers as well as experienced authors. this how-to manual includes sexy example scenes from my novel, Vampires of a Certain Age. Most Romance readers are past midlife, yet few Romance characters are over thirty. Your stories can help!


Rachel thrilled at the heightened sense of touch she experienced in Marion’s arms. “Kiss me again. Please. Give me your tongue.” With a low murmur, Marion did as she was asked. Still kissing, the two made their way to Marion’s bed, which was large and inviting, a slightly darker peach than the walls, with a generous silken canopy. Lying on it, Rachel felt as if she were floating in space. Marion’s body was strong and soft, new and somehow familiar.

– From Vampires of a Certain Age by Stella Fosse

Writing about joyful, sexy moments is a great antidote to the negativity about aging all around us. Erotic writing helps us see our sex lives in a positive way and contributes to our health and longevity. It’s a fun revolution. Try it and enjoy!



Stella Fosse encourages people after midlife to subvert ageism through writing and sharing our vivid stories. She leads workshops, writes both fiction and nonfiction, and blogs on topics of interest to olders. She is the author of Write & Sell a Well-Seasoned Romance, Aphrodite’s Pen, and two novels and a story collection, all featuring vivid older characters. She shares her writing and other resources at


  1. Sharon on December 27, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    I get loads of pleasure from writing down my thoughts on my computer, then email to my hubby. He loves reading my inner most sexual thoughts. Often I write a scenario and later my hubby will re-enact them. This is so erotic and pleasurable. Oh perhaps I should add my hubby is 88 and am 68

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