Newsday: “Sex after 60: It’s good news”

Here’s Peter King’s 12/31/05 review of Better Than I Ever Expected at

Sex after 60: It’s good news

Guys, leave the room.

“Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk About Sex After Sixty” (Seal Press, $15.95) by Joan Price is for women only. The book is part motivational memoir, part self-help guide and part sex manual in which Price asserts, “Society’s view of aging women as sexless is wrong, wrong, wrong.”

Price, 61, writes from experience. The book sprang from her own bout of “post-menopausal angst” when she thought her sex life was over. It wasn’t, although she writes that “changes after menopause make sexual enjoyment challenging.” Even so, Price says her sex life now is better than ever.

“Better Than I Ever Expected” gives older women advice on how to date and how to love. Price, who has written several books on health and fitness, also includes many tips on how exercise makes sex better.

Price recognizes the challenges of older sexuality but revels in the rewards. “We’re the Love Generation – we practically invented sex,” she writes. “We’re not about to shut the gates now!”

Reader Reactions to Book

Women aquaintances who have bought the book and read it already (everyone says they can’t put it down!) are walking up to me and talking freely about their own sex lives and relationships. It’s as if we’re continuing a conversation in progress. I love this!

I feel like I’ve opened up a topic that women were hungry to discuss. So many women are already telling me, “It’s about time!” And it’s not just the older women — younger women are saying, “I don’t plan to give up sex when I’m 60… or 80!”

I’m looking at what women say as clues to what they’d like to see in the next book. As I travel and promote the book, I’ll be noting what women ask and tell me, and when their eyes light up when I discuss something.

If you know what you would like to read in my next book, please post a comment here!